Saturday, September 25, 2010

Drifting, seriously?

  No don’t get the heading wrong...I love drifting, and I don’t think anything can be as exciting as a long power slide. But, sadly experiencing that over here in India is not very easy, at least for the common man...

  Like the rest of the world, we do have teenagers/rash drivers/maniacs/racers/enthusiasts, whatever you may, but unlike the rest of the world, we don’t have cheap powerful rear wheel drive cars. So the guys over here simply call even the smallest ‘rear-out’ moment as drifting. No you imbecile, it’s called a hand-brake turn or just yanking the hand-brake, not DRIFTING. My heart just pains when I hear people saying ‘Dude, my friend did this crazy drift yesterday his Alto’.

  Drifting is an art, no, seriously it is. Looking at a perfect smoothly flowing drift is no less than ogling at a Michelangelo. It requires a perfect entry, a perfect technique to get the rear out...and then starts the addictive and highly pleasurable game of balancing the car, while it’s going forwards sideways. Small changes of counter-steer and teasing the throttle get this right and you will have a grin on your face stretching from Texas to Tokyo.

  So when a dude, goes around bragging that he drifts in his saddens me, as he is disrespecting this art. Drifting, seriously...?    

- Gaurav Singh

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