Friday, July 30, 2010

Bugatti Veyron SS, the fastest production car in the world

About a month ago, history was created. Bugatti clinched back the prestigious record of the world’s fastest production car. And their weapon of choice was the new Veyron SS (Super Sport). If you may remember back in 2005 Bugatti introduced the Veyron. And what amazing figures it has! Quad turbo, 1001hp, 8L W-16 engine and top speed of an amazing 408.5 km/hr!!

But then a bunch of Yankees thought, well even we can come up with a fast car! And the SSC Ultimate Aero TT was brought to life.They stole the record from Bugatti and went up to the speed of 412 km/hr. This I think infuriated the German bosses of Bugatti and the engineers were summoned to take back the pride. And this was the outcome... It may look like an ordinary Veyron, but it is actually a Veyron on steroids. So instead of 1000hp it now has 1200hp! And it’s lighter too. And the outcome? Top speed of 431 Km/hr, the take off speed for the Boeing 747 is around 300km/hr!!

These numbers are simply mind boggling. But all this makes me wonder...the sophistication and space age level engineering that has gone into the production of this amazing piece of machinery. But that is the thing about engineering; it’s dynamic and ever evolving. Today we are amazed by the Veyron SS, but 60 years ago people were equally amazed by the 1949 Jaguar XK120, the fastest car of that era, and it went up to 200 km/hr. So it is only a matter of time that someone comes up with a new car, with more power, more carbon fibre better aerodynamics and take the title away. So Bugatti make hay while the sun shines...and they will because I am absolutely sure there are 30 freakishly rich idiots who will buy the 30 odd Veyron SSs at the price of around Rs 12 Cr. But kudos Bugatti job well done.


  1. I can only imagine the immense stopping power of the brakes and the rear spoiler helping it. And the aerodynamics that make the car stick to the ground at such high speeds!
    The SuperSport is a Veyron gone psychopathically crazy!

  2. @Winston :
    Yeah actually, the Air Brake (the spoiler which comes up during braking) alone produces braking equivalent to an ordinary hatchback! Crazy stuff!!!

  3. Didn't Aston Martin come out with a car that they claim is the Fastest??
